Our classes
Fern Class
We are a small, mixed age class of reception, year 1 and year 2 children and are a real family, encouraging, caring and supporting each other so that we can learn and grow together.
We are respectful and inclusive. Our older children are great role models for the younger children as they become more resilient and independent learners and take on more responsibilities.
We work very hard and are enthusiastic learners, always striving to achieve our best. At the heart of the curriculum is hands on learning, giving the children opportunities to deepen and broaden their learning through practical activities and stimulating learning experiences.
Here at Lealholm we have a deep love of reading and language activities and can often be found totally immersed in a book, sharing a favourite book with friends, researching a new enquiry question or listening with anticipation to a class book. We are skilled storytellers and love to confidently share this skill with friends and family. Daily reading and high quality Little Wandle Letters and Sounds sessions ensure that the children acquire the skills needed to become confident readers. Children are introduced to a wide variety of stories, poetry and information texts so that their imagination and interest in literature will lead them to become lifelong readers.
We embrace every opportunity to write, using our growing phonic knowledge to write exciting stories, carefully researched fact files and imaginative poetry which we love to share.
In Maths, we learn through practical activities and talk with partners, using problem solving and reasoning to deepen understanding. Outdoor learning opportunities are used to broaden our learning and relate it to real life. We work hard to become fluent in our number bonds and times tables, using Times Tables Rock Stars on our one to one ipads.
We enjoy learning outside the classroom in the school field and wooded area and especially enjoy River School sessions in the village, learning essential life skills and observing seasonal changes and building water confidence. We have recently redesigned our school garden together so that we can provide great outdoor learning opportunities and a resource for helping us develop our mental health and social skills.
Heather Class
This is a mixed key stage 2 class made up of children from years 3 to 6. The diverse age range encourages children to support each other by being kind and respectful: adopting family values into their school life along the way. Children understand the importance of working well as a team and always strive to achieve their best. We work hard to ensure that children are resilient and gain independence, in order to be successful not only at primary school but as they enter into secondary education.